Renfrew Educational Services Accessible Playspace

Renfrew Educational Services is a designated Special Education School in the province of Alberta. Since 1974, we’ve welcomed families and children with significant disabilities, including diagnoses such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Global Development Delays.

Charmed Playhouses proudly designed an inclusive and interactive play space for Renfrew Educational Services, where children of all abilities can revel in the joy of play. Our commitment to accessibility and creativity shines through in every aspect of this project. From custom play structures to sensory-rich features, we've created a welcoming environment that fosters learning and fun. Renfrew Educational Services now boasts a truly inclusive play space, and Charmed Playhouses is honored to have played a part in making it possible. Discover the magic of play for all abilities today!

Interactive immersive custom play-space for children with disabilities at a Calgary Educational Centre
Interactive commercial play space with ball pit and fun activities for kids with disabilities.
Reading nook in interactive play place with fireplace, mushroom stools and books for children to read. Accessible to all children with disabilities.
Indoor interactive playspace custom made for children of all ages and abilities. Ball pit and reading nook included.